
Stoma Open Day

Well I couldn’t take photos when I was there because of all the elderly people blocking the stalls and literally taking 10 mins to ask a question.

As I walked in I was greeted by one of my stoma nurses then further round I saw the other. I nearly didn’t recognise them not in their uniforms! Both of them looked lovely.

There were about four or so stalls showcasing different appliances. The ones I can remember were Dansac (what I use), Coloplast (I’m looking into), Hollister and Pelican. Each had their different bags and sprays etc all in little semi circles with stacks of leaflets.

There were two stalls talking about support/under wear. Vanilla Blush had some of their range spread out with lots of colours and styles, I put in a prescription order for some of their plain pants and I even got a £5 voucher!
I have to “layer up” with my bag as I can’t stand the feeling of it touching my leg as it feels like it’s scratching in whatever position I put my bag in. Their underwear have a little pocket you place your bag into so it’s not touching your skin.


I spoke to a lady on another stall about their support garments. Suportx the company was called. She said their waistbands were stronger than comfizz but I felt she was going for the hard sell. However she said the support belt maybe a good option for me when I’m exercising just to give that bit more stability to prevent hernias. They also offer a free fitting service to see what size you would need and can also be ordered on prescription


There was a stall that had appliances but also leaflets on swimwear for ostomates from 3yrs and up. HiLINE offer plenty of different styles etcetera but at £45 I felt this was expensive but my Mam mentioned to me when I went round later that swimsuits usually last so the price isn’t too bad. I will however be searching the net for other options. Not that I have that much of an issue with my current swimsuit which is a pair of high waisted 50’s style polka dot pants and a bikini top!


I also picked up a little credit card sized message that enables me to show to a shopkeeper or whatever to ask to use their toilet. Also a little pocket sized leaflet that holds some personal details and explains my ileostomy and the need for privacy if I was to be searched in several different languages.


There was a stall for my delivery company Fittleworth with all the bits you get with your boxes of pouches.

I would have liked to had more time to look at the stalls and be able to talk about the products more, but with an inquisitive toddler who didn’t want to leave my side and all the people that just stood blocking everything. But all in all I felt that it was worth me going.

3 thoughts on “Stoma Open Day

  1. Heya. I used Hollister and was really happy with them. The maxi sized bags were rank for scratching your leg like that but the midi was shorter and didn’t bother as much. The one piece bags were my favourites as the hard end folds up into a little pouch on the end of the bag but I found them prone to leaks. Little card for toilets is a great idea. Take care.

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