
Just A Little Light Reading

Guess who’s back? Back again! Oh dear me as if I just quoted/sung Eminem in my opening lines. Oh well have an ear worm for the day! I know I said I might not post for a couple of days but sue me! (Not literally I have no money) I figured I would hit up some links of blogs I have read. Some are unfortunately now inactive but still have pretty damn good information. Some the writing style isn’t entirely everyone’s cup of tea but still useful. So here it goes!

As I’ve mentioned before Sam over at so bad ass is great she is on old faceyb, instagram, YouTube. She has spoken about IBD in parliament and is amazing. #morethanmeetstheeye

Jess is stateside and has had her ostomy for 13 years. She is a model and an actress, she also works in social media. Find her at uncover ostomy. Again she is on different platforms.

This young lady Hattie has since had a reversal and her blog is inactive but I found a lot of her posts helpful and honest more than your bag.

This is Stephanie. She had a long battle with Chrons yet came out the other side with her permenant ostomy not stopping her in life and having a baby. Find her at stolen colon.

Living with a stoma has the best posts about diet that I have found and it’s something that has really been bugging me that people don’t talk about it enough. I FREAKING LOVE MY FOOD.

Last but certainly not least we have Amy her blog ostomism not pessimism lead me to join a Facebook female only fashion group. Designed to help support women in keeping their identity and style regardless of a stoma. They have welcomed me with open arms and for that I am grateful. Her fashion orientated blog isstoma bags and glad rags

I hope some of these prove useful to anyone and everyone. Does anyone else have any blogs they find inspirational or helpful?

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